Here in Greenville we’re blessed with amazing coffee shops, juiceries and smoothie bars. It’s easy to forget that over half a billion people don’t have access to clean drinking water. It’s even more difficult to explain that to our children who never see that kind of poverty. But if given a chance, children would love the opportunity to bring something as practical as clean drinking water to others. Greer-based non-profit Water of Life ( is launching a unique initiative on World Water Day, tomorrow Thursday, March 22nd.
Water of Life has drilled more than 1,700 wells in West Africa and India since 2005. For the first time ever, Water of Life is harnessing the generous spirit of 50 local young people to make a difference for one village in India. This inaugural class of #CrowdSourcingKids will each receive a full-service kit to help them sell 12 handmade elephants. Once each child sells their elephants they’ll give the money to Water of Life. Those 50 kids will have generated enough money to completely fund a well drilling project in India. They’ll be personally responsible for changing lives forever: babies will live, kids will get an education, people will stay healthy, all because of 50 generous local kids!
Why is clean water such a big deal? A child dies every 90 seconds from water related illness. Think about that: in the time it takes you to read this article, another child has died. Women and children in developing countries are unable to work or go to school due to walking for hours each day to fetch water. Meanwhile, the average American uses 80-100 gallons of water per day. We use more in one flush than many Africans and Indians use all day!
For parents looking to fan the flame of compassion in their children, #CrowdSourcingKids is the perfect solution. Elephant kits can be ordered for $20 from, but only 50 are available right now. Each child in the initial #CrowdSourcingKids class will be honored in a ceremony. They’ll track the progress of their well-drilling project and receive photos and video they can share with friends and family. They’ll hear directly from villagers whose lives are completely changed because of the gift of clean water. Kids may be little, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change the world!
For more info, you can contact Alison Storm directly at Thank you for contributing, Alison!
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