Discover Crybaby Bridge…
Fall is in the air! That’s a lie. We’re in the south, where October equals eighty degrees.
This time of year brings to mind ghosts and goblins going door to door in search of sweet treats. That’s the pleasant picture of Halloween. The flip side reminds us of the legends and extraordinary stories of haunted places and spooky faces!
There are many “crybaby” bridges across the United States. One of the most haunted is located on High Shoals Road in Anderson, South Carolina (just type in 2806 High Shoals Road into your GPS or click here).
Years ago, truss bridges were more economical to build. The triangle structures were able to hold more weight. This particular bridge was built sometime between 1915 and 1930 in Virginia.
During construction, a worker fell to his death. The tragedy took place thirteen days after the birth of his daughter, Maya. Legend says that at sunset passersby could hear a man screaming, “Maya!”
The already haunted bridge was moved to Charleston where it stayed until 1952. I’ve not been able to find out why it was moved. Drivers wouldn’t drive over it, joggers wouldn’t jog over it, and dogs wouldn’t even go near it. You tell me.
I’m sorry, but if the thing was too haunted for Charleston, there’s your first red flag!
The bridge was rebuilt in Anderson in 1952. Like all ghostly gossip, there are multiple stories swimming down stream. My favorite is that of a local farm girl who gave birth to her first baby on September 30, 1954. Two days later, her mother was killed in a farming accident. October 30, the distraught mother drives to High Shoals Road, carries her crying newborn halfway across the bridge, and tosses her into the water!
Several weeks later, she was found hanging from the rafters in the tiny home she shared with her mother.
Locals have reported seeing a young girl hanging over the side of the bridge at night, telling her baby not to cry. If you stop near the bridge after dark, the mother is likely to appear at your window screaming that she killed her baby.
Whether you meet the guilt-ridden ghoul or not, be sure to keep your engine running. There have been accounts of cars not starting and headlights burning out.
In case you’re wondering, we did not go at night. Also in case you’re wondering, I have zero plans to go back at night. Ever. Not even if my life or the lives of the children depended on it.
My hands were shaking the. whole. time. In broad daylight. The ghost girl would not have come anywhere near me ’cause I was a scary mess! Foot traffic is not encouraged – it was no easy task getting there. The humongous spiders are still crawling around in my hair. I can fell them.
A modern bridge, parallel to the paranormal one, was built in 1987.
If you’re brave enough (aka crazy enough) to visit at night, be sure to share your experience!