The Best Monthly Expense You Probably Aren’t Paying... Life can be fun. In the world we live in we can enjoy so many different activities on any given day. On weekdays after work we might go to get sushi with our friends or go to a baseball game on dollar beer night. Then to top the weekend off we might go to a local brewery or play 18 holes of golf. Then Sunday night comes … [Read more...] about PAY YOURSELF RULE WITH WOODMARK WEALTH
"Financial Planning isn't just for the wealthy, but for those who want to get there." Wealth Management can be confusing, daunting and even scary. Enter Woodmark Wealth Management to channel all those emotions! Whether you're just starting your first job, or planning out your retirement, it's Woodmark's mission to provide reliable advice at an affordable cost. To get a better … [Read more...] about MEET DANIEL MILKS OF WOODMARK WEALTH