First off, it’s safe to say that Greenville is extremely dog-friendly. I learned that while walking downtown realizing everyone had a leash in their hand.
After realizing I was the only resident in Greenville without a furry friend, I headed over to the Greenville Humane Society’s Instagram page (@greenvillehumane.) Call it a coincidence, but they had just posted a photo asking if any Greenville residents could foster dogs or cats. I needed a trial run to make sure my lifestyle had space for a dog, so fostering was the perfect fit! Within 10 minutes I had an application completed and an email sent to the Foster Manager.
Less than 24 hours after completing an application, I was contacted that day and with a time I could pick up a dog. The process of the foster program is unbelievable easy if you have the right qualifications. Qualifications can be found over here.
Next step: Showing up to the Greenville Humane Society
In a matter of minutes, I had a 2-month-old hound mix named Jim sitting in my lap. He cuddled up to me almost like he was saying “Thanks for helping me out!” If puppy snuggles don’t melt your heart than I don’t know what does.
The Humane Society provides a crate, leash, collar, food, two bowls for food and water, and the medication for the animal. (Most animals are undergoing treatment for kennel cough, upper respiratory infections, heartworm disease, or diarrhea.)
Bringing Jim home was the simplest task. He was extremely calm in the car and during the foster period. He was not housebroken, which wasn’t difficult because I mainly work from home. I was instructed to feed Jim 2 times a day with a ½ cup of food. He also had medicine that was time specific, which he took like a champ!
After the 7-day foster period, I returned to Humane Society to find that his kennel cough wasn’t cleared. I was asked if I could keep him for another 7 days. You can bet I said “Yes!”
Final Thoughts:
– If you are looking to adopt a dog or cat but not sure if your schedule can handle it, consider fostering. Use it as a “trial period”.
– The Humane Society is not pushy and wants the absolute best for their animals. I knew my pup was being well taken care of.
– The Humane Society provides every supply you will need during the foster period, which means no expenses for you!
– Jim literally melted into my lifestyle, was easily trainable, and I had heart palpitations at the thought of returning him to the Greenville Humane Society. So I ended up ADOPTING HIM! #FosterFailure
Meet Wilson!
To see how Wilson has settled in, head over to my Instagram page @lauren_connelly. More to come!
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